Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My reflection on the Blog Assignment

I feel that the intentions behind that blog assignment were very valid intentions. I feel like a blog can be a very useful tool for a teacher. It provides an excellent way to communicate with parents. It also provides transparency into the classroom for your parents by keeping them up to date on what is going on in the classroom.
The blog requires a lot of work. I believe the intentions behind this assignment were valid, I just really felt it was one more thing added to my plate that I had to keep up with. The schedule I had this semester was almost overwhelming to say the least, but I am almost finished. I am the head coach of our boys high school and junior high school basketball teams, defensive coordinator of our high school football team, head coach of our junior high football team, assistant coach 7th grade football, serve on two different committees that my principal asked me to, I am also a MAT candidate, and I am a husband. So needless to say my schedule has been pretty full and while I believe the blog is a useful tool I just had trouble finding the time, even when my days start at 4 to 5 am and end at 10 or 11 pm.

Parental Involvment Survey

I was asked by my Principal to create a Parental Involvment Survey, so this is what I came up with:

Parent Involvement Survey
Drew Central School District

Please help us to better serve you by responding to the following questions. This information will help us to include you in your child’s educational program and to better communicate with you on the topics of interest to you. Please fill in all of the information and return the survey to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Rank the following statements according to your experience with Drew Central Middle School so far this year. Mark your answers on the attached Scantron sheet. Use a No. 2 lead pencil and mark the letter that corresponds with your answer. Questions 1-20 are to be answered on the blue side of the sheet and questions 21-29 are to be answered on the red side of the sheet.

In the section on the back (red side) of the Scantron sheet marked “Comments”, please share what you value most about the Drew Central School District. Also, please share any other information you wish.


I believe: (Please choose one and mark your answer on the Scantron sheet provided.)
1. The information provided by DREW CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL about my child’s academic progress is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

2. The information provided by DREW CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL on rules and regulations governing student behavior is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

3. The information provided about course offerings for my child at DREW CENTRAL is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

4. The information provided about extra-curricular opportunities for my child at DREW CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

5. The information provided about upcoming activities at my child’s school is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

School Services

6. The education offered to my child at DREW CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

7. When I contact the school for assistance, the treatment I receive is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

8. The availability of the teachers is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

9. The availability of the administrators is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

10. The professionalism of the teachers is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

11. The professionalism of the administrators is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

12. The professionalism of the office staff is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

School Atmosphere

13. The atmosphere at my child’s school is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent
14. The general appearance of the classrooms/buildings/grounds is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

15. The safety of my child’s school is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent

16. The image of the Drew Central School District is
A. Needs Improvement B. Good C. Excellent


17. Have you ever volunteered at school before?
A. Yes B. No

18. Would you be interested in volunteering at DREW CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL? (If “No”, go to question 21.)
A. Yes B. No

19. If you would want to volunteer, how often would you be available?
A. Once a year B. Several times a year

20. If you would want to volunteer, what time of day would be best for you?
A. Morning B. Afternoon C. Evening

21. Mark all buildings in which you presently have students enrolled other than the middle school.
A. Pre-School B. Primary (Grades K-2) C. Elementary (Grades 3-5)
D. Intermediate (Grades 6-7) E. High School (Grades 10-12)

22. Do you use ParentLink? (If “No”, go to question 24.)
A. Yes B. No

23. If yes, how often?
A. Daily B. Weekly C. About once a month

24. Do you use Teacher Ease? (If “No”, go to question 26.)
A. Yes B. No

25. If yes, how often?
A. Daily B. Weekly C. About once a month

26. Do you read the monthly newsletter which was sent home by your student?
A. Yes B. No

27. Do your use Hot Math?
A. Yes B. No

28. If your student had a failing grade in math, would you enroll him/her in an after-school tutoring program?
A. Yes B. No

29. If your student had a failing grade in English, would you enroll him/her in an after-school tutoring program?
A. Yes B. No

3rd Book Review

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch is one of the best books I have ever read and probably will ever read. This is an empowering book that really makes you believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish any goal you can dream. One of my favorite quotes from the book was “We can change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” This reaffirmed for me that things in life happen that are out of our control, and it is all about how you deal with that situation that determines who you are as a person. You can choose to dwell on the negative or find the positive and move on. This book has helped me to realize that no matter my circumstances I will look for the positive in it. I may only find a little tiny bit of positive but nevertheless it is positive.
Another quote that I enjoyed in the book was about brick walls. The author said that “Brick walls are not put in your path to keep you from reaching your dreams, but to see how bad you want it and to keep other people out.” This really hit home for me, I have had my share of brick walls in my life. Just getting into the education profession I had to bust down numerous brick walls. I have learned that the harder the fight the greater the reward. Most people will quit at the 1st brick wall, and everyone else will quit at the 2nd or 3rd brick wall, but if you really want to achieve your goals and dreams you will go through and over as many brick walls as you must to reach your goal or dream. This book is a must read for everyone regardless of what your profession. I truly believe that this book will help enable you to improve your quality of life. It has mine.

Leading with the Heart

Leading with the Heart by Mike Krzyzewski was a great read. The book talks about strategies to make you successful in basketball, business, and life. Throughout the book Coach K talks about leadership. He goes into great detail about how to earn it, how to practice it, and how you use it to move your organization to the top. From the importance of trust, communication, and pride to the commitment a leader must make to his team. This book is a must read for everyone in the education profession. If you want to learn how to help young people to be successful this book can be your guide.

I originally thought this book was just about basketball, but it is more about life than basketball. It uses basketball as the platform to teach simple strategies that will enable you to be a successful person. I enjoyed the book and have carried what I learned into my classroom.


I just realized something this morning that I found to be pretty funny. Before I started teaching I never drank coffee. Now, I drink it until almost 10:00 am every morning of the week. It is just part of my routine now, I do not know what got it started. I guess I need the caffeine to keep up with my 7th graders!

Just another day

4:00am comes early and my day starts. Before I started teaching I thought I was busy. I really believe you have to love what you do or you can't do very long. I absolutely love coaching and teaching. Our basketball season has started and we have a winning record which is something that the Drew Central High School Boys have not had in a while. It's a great feeling to see these young men experience success. I love this profession, but it is truly labor of love.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Teaching Strategies Reflection

This assignment I felt was a great benefit to me as a new teacher. I believe that this was the most beneficial assignment I have had since I entered the MAT program at UAM. I learned numerous strategies to aid my students in reading comprehension. I learned that there are many different avenues to arrive at the same destination. All of the strategies that I use in my classroom have the same goal. That goal is to improve student’s literacy skills to increase student learning.
I feel that my students learned how to implement these strategies to better comprehend what they are reading. I believe that my student’s also learned that using these strategies makes reading less intimidating to them. Teaching student’s literacy strategies is a great idea. I learned that by teaching students these strategies I am equipping them with tools they will have for the rest of their life. These literacy tools will better enable them to be academically successful.
The only thing that I feel I will change is to teach students more strategies. I do not want to overwhelm them but I believe that the more literacy strategies that my students know the more prepared they are for the academics that are in their future.